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As mentioned in How it works?, you will need to register a user using Firebase Authentication. If you are using Firebase Authentication as your auth provider you don't need to do anything except calling createUserInFirestore after registration.

import { createUserInFirestore } from '@flyerhq/react-native-firebase-chat-core'

await createUserInFirestore({
firstName: 'John',
id: credential.user.uid, // UID from Firebase Authentication
imageUrl: '',
lastName: 'Doe',

You can provide values like firstName, imageUrl and lastName if you're planning to have a screen with all users available for chat. The id is the only required field and you need to use the uid you get from the Firebase Authentication after you register a user. If you don't use Firebase for authentication, you can register a user using your custom JWT token, then call createUserInFirestore as described above.

Aside from registration, you will need to log users in when appropriate, using available methods from Firebase Authentication, including the custom JWT token.

Firebase Chat with custom backend

This wasn't verified on production, but if you have your backend and want to use Firebase only for the chat functionality, you can register/login users using custom JWT token as described above and save received uid to your users table. Then you can have a screen with all users from your users table where each of them will have an assigned uid that will be used to start a chat. Or maybe you will have a search mechanism implemented on your backend, or you don't show users at all, just a button to start a chat with a random person, you still have access to that uid.

Alternatively, you can use the useUsers hook which will return all registered users with avatars and names. The returned list is dynamic and will change in real-time.

import { useUsers } from '@flyerhq/react-native-firebase-chat-core'
import { FlatList } from 'react-native'

const UsersScreen = () => {
const { users } = useUsers()

return (
// ...

export default UsersScreen

Starting a chat

When you have access to that uid or you have the whole User object from the useUsers hook, you can call either createRoom or createGroupRoom. For the group, you will need to additionally provide a name and an optional image.

import { createRoom } from '@flyerhq/react-native-firebase-chat-core'
import { FlatList } from 'react-native'

const UsersScreen = () => {
// Create a user with an ID of UID if you don't use `useUsers`
const handlePress = async (otherUser: User) => {
const room = await createRoom(otherUser)

// Navigate to the Chat screen

return (
// ...

export default UsersScreen


To render user's rooms you use the useRooms hook. Room object will the have name and image URL taken either from provided ones for the group or set to the other person's image URL and name. See Security Rules for more info about rooms filtering. The returned list is dynamic and will change in real-time.

import { useRooms } from '@flyerhq/react-native-firebase-chat-core'
import { FlatList } from 'react-native'

const RoomsScreen = () => {
const { rooms } = useRooms()

return (
// ...

export default RoomsScreen


useMessages hook will give you access to all messages in the specified room. The returned list is dynamic and will change in real-time.

import { useMessages } from '@flyerhq/react-native-firebase-chat-core'

const { messages, sendMessage, updateMessage } = useMessages(room)

If you use Flyer Chat UI you can just pass messages to the messages prop of the Chat component. See the example.


useFirebaseUser is a simple helper you can use to see which user is currently logged in through Firebase Authentication. The returned type comes from the Firebase library and it is not the same User as above.